Thomson L., D. P. Espinosa, Y. Brandvain, and J. Van Cleve, 2024 Linked selection and the evolution of altruism in family-structured populations. Ecology and Evolution 14: e10980.
Van Cleve J., 2023 Evolutionarily stable strategy analysis and its links to demography and genetics through invasion fitness. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378: 20210496.
Greene K. M., J. Van Cleve, and S. J. Price, 2023 Salamander movement propensity resists effects of supraseasonal drought. Ichthyology & Herpetology 111: 109–118.
McGlothlin J. W., E. Akçay, E. D. Brodie III, A. J. Moore, and J. Van Cleve, 2022 A synthesis of game theory and quantitative genetic models of social evolution. Journal of Heredity 113: 109–119.
Tate A. T., and J. Van Cleve, 2022 Bet-hedging in innate and adaptive immune systems. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 10: 256–265.
Andris C., X. Liu, J. Mitchell, J. O’Dwyer, and J. Van Cleve, 2021 Threads across the urban fabric: Youth mentorship relationships as neighborhood bridges. Journal of Urban Affairs 43: 77–92.
Akçay E., and J. Van Cleve, 2021 Internalizing cooperative norms in group-structured populations, pp. 26–44 in Cooperation and Conflict: The Interaction of Opposites in Shaping Social Behavior, edited by Brosnan S. F., Wilczynski W. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Dunoyer L. A., A. W. Seifert, and J. Van Cleve, 2021 Evolutionary bedfellows: Reconstructing the ancestral state of autotomy and regeneration. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 336: 94–115.
Van Cleve J., 2020 Building a synthetic basis for kin selection and evolutionary game theory using population genetics. Theoretical Population Biology 133: 65–70.
Altenberg L., N. Creanza, L. Fogarty, L. Hadany, O. Kolodny, et al., 2019 Some topics in theoretical population genetics: Editorial commentaries on a selection of Marc Feldman’s TPB papers. Theoretical Population Biology 129: 4–8.
Estrela S., E. Libby, J. Van Cleve, F. Débarre, M. Deforet, et al., 2019 Environmentally mediated social dilemmas. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 34: 6–18.
Kessinger T., and J. Van Cleve, 2018 Genetic draft and valley crossing
Van Cleve J., 2017 Stags, hawks, and doves: social evolution theory and individual variation in cooperation. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57: 566–579.
Lehmann L., C. Mullon, E. Akçay, and J. Van Cleve, 2016 Invasion fitness, inclusive fitness, and reproductive numbers in heterogeneous populations. Evolution 70: 1689–1702.
Andris C., L. Adler, C. Atwater, J. Van Cleve, and J. O’Dwyer, 2016 Assessing an Educational Mentorship Program in an Urban Context
Wilkins J. F., F. Úbeda, and J. Van Cleve, 2016 The evolving landscape of imprinted genes in humans and mice: Conflict among alleles, genes, tissues, and kin. BioEssays 38: 482–489.
Van Cleve J., 2016 Cooperation, conformity, and the coevolutionary problem of trait associations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 396: 13–24.
Akçay E., and J. Van Cleve, 2016 There is no fitness but fitness, and the lineage is its bearer. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371: 20150085.
Akçay E., T. A. Linksvayer, and J. Van Cleve, 2015 Bridging social evolution theory and emerging empirical approaches to social behavior. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 6: 59–64.
Van Cleve J., 2015 Social evolution and genetic interactions in the short and long term. Theoretical Population Biology 103: 2–26.
Van Cleve J., and D. B. Weissman, 2015 Measuring ruggedness in fitness landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112: 7345–7346.
Servedio M. R., Y. Brandvain, S. Dhole, C. L. Fitzpatrick, E. E. Goldberg, et al., 2014 Not just a Theory—The utility of mathematical models in evolutionary biology. PLoS Biology 12: e1002017.
Van Cleve J., and E. Akçay, 2014 Pathways to social evolution: reciprocity, relatedness, and synergy. Evolution 68: 2245–2258.
Van Cleve J., and L. Lehmann, 2013 Stochastic stability and the evolution of coordination in spatially structured populations. Theoretical Population Biology 89: 75–87.
Akçay E., and J. Van Cleve, 2012 Behavioral responses in structured populations pave the way to group optimality. American Naturalist 179: 257–269.
Brandvain Y., J. Van Cleve, F. Úbeda, and J. F. Wilkins, 2011 Demography, kinship, and the evolving theory of genomic imprinting. Trends in Genetics 27: 251–257.
Liberman U., J. Van Cleve, and M. W. Feldman, 2011 On the evolution of mutation in changing environments: recombination and phenotypic switching. Genetics 187: 837–51.
Van Cleve J., M. W. Feldman, and L. Lehmann, 2010 How demography, life history, and kinship shape the evolution of genomic imprinting. American Naturalist 176: 440–55.
Salathé M., J. Van Cleve, and M. W. Feldman, 2009 Evolution of stochastic switching rates in asymmetric fitness landscapes. Genetics 182: 1159–64.
Akçay E., J. Van Cleve, M. W. Feldman, and J. Roughgarden, 2009 A theory for the evolution of other-regard integrating proximate and ultimate perspectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 19061–19066.
Van Cleve J., and M. W. Feldman, 2008 Stable long-period cycling and complex dynamics in a single-locus fertility model with genomic imprinting. Journal of Mathematical Biology 57: 243–264.
Van Cleve J., and M. W. Feldman, 2007 Sex-specific viability, sex linkage and dominance in genomic imprinting. Genetics 176: 1101–1118.
Guralnick R., and J. Van Cleve, 2005 Strengths and weaknesses of museum and national survey data sets for predicting regional species richness: comparative and combined approaches. Diversity and Distributions 11: 349–359.
Hoke K. L., A. B. Barron, M. E. Hauber, M. Kopp, and J. Van Cleve, Sensitive periods and the ontogenetic shape of behavioral plasticity